Puresight Intelligent Content Recognition

Multilayer Internet Content Filtering

PureSight offers an innovative multilayer filtering approach by combining the PureSight Active Content Recognition (ACRTM) core technology into a pre-classified database, customized site lists, URL cache categorization and tagging capabilities.

The ACRTM examines every page request to ensure its compliance with corporate, institutional, or parental acceptable use policies. The ACRTM powerful set of algorithms analyzes and categorizes data in real-time. The database, the static URL lists, the URL tagging and URL cache categorization are complementary filtering layers guaranteeing total coverage of the Internet.

PureSight content filtering layers

  • ACRTM - "On the Fly filtering" - dynamic content filtering of all requested pages based on technology
  • Tagging - identifies content category via the standard content rating systems used today
  • Database - black list of sites classified by category remotely managed by PureSight
  • Network static list - local, customized black/white lists of forbidden/allowed lists managed locally by the network administrator related to specific Internet access policy set for the users
  • Cache categorization - local cache of previously classified URLs for network performance enhancement
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